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May Update!!

I can't believe it's already the end of May and it's been 9 months since moving to Japan!! My updating has been horrible and I apologize for that!! I have resolved to write a monthly update at the end of the month, no matter what happens during that month! So as a church, we started going through a sermon series, "Jesus in All the Scriptures". We finished that in April and now, we have been going through the Gospel of Mark. We have seen many visitors come through and have averaged 33 people attending this month. We have six pretty consistent non Christian Japanese people come and all are really close in believing in Jesus, but they still have not repented and put their faith in Jesus. Please continue to pray for them, for only God can change their hearts and maybe your prayers are the means for them to be saved! I want to ask you to specifically pray for one person each month that I'll write about in the prayer page.

As for me, I have been leading worship and simultaneously translating Kevin's sermons into English on Sundays. I also started to work at Ashiya International School (a Christian english school) for 2 days a week as a teacher's assistant for the 3-4 year old class, hoping to reach out to the kids, parents, and some of the teachers. I've also been taking Kevin's makeshift preaching course, hoping to eventually preach some time in the future. And finally, I've been trying to play basketball hoping to meet people and invite them to church. So far, I've met a chinese guy (who did come to our church) and a guy from New Zealand. Pray that I can meet more people, especially Japanese who are interested in Jesus. Overall, things have been busy, exciting, but also difficult in terms of trusting in God's timing for people to come to repentance and faith. But this, I think, is a good problem to have! =D

Here is a picture of our most recent worship service!

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